Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
What are you placing your hope in right now? Your investments, your job, your family? You know, all of those things may provide some comfort in the short term, but there is only one lasting hope that we can count on, and that is the Person of Jesus Christ. Take Kenny, for example. He shared his testimony with us on whats my story dot org about how Jesus changed his life. He said, “I was filled with bitterness. My life was a complete ruin. In the midst of this, a friend I had just met invited me to church. For the first time, I heard that even though I didn’t deserve it and in spite of anything I’d done, I could be forgiven and inherit eternal life. That night, I received[…]hope in the midst of hopelessness!” That can be our story as well! All we must do is place our trust in Jesus and Him alone, the Author of our hope. For more on the Gospel, visit our website at www.sharelife.today. That’s www.sharelife.today.
This post originally appeared at https://sharelifetoday.podbean.com/e/where-is-your-hope/