WOKENESS: A Christian Response (Part 3) 


I’m Bub Kuns, and today we’re talking about wokeness.

With the woke movement’s provocative tactics, believers may be tempted to either lash back or to withdraw from the debate altogether. But neither option reflects the heart of God.  

As author Noelle Mering says, “While it is easy to dismiss wokeness as being a movement on the fringe … to do so would be short-sighted. We are called to engage with the world in which we find ourselves. To write off a growing phenomenon which is both affecting and reflecting real persons is to shirk that duty of engagement. [Love] demands that we make a real effort to understand, rather than just hold in contempt, the people falling prey to this ideology.” 

Believers should look beyond woke ideology to the people trapped in this false belief system, sharing the truth of Christ that can set them free.

And what place does Marxism play in wokeness? We’ll discuss that another time.

For more information go to www.hopetools.net.  Stay Bold!

Bub Kuns is (at heart) a storyteller. He is a director, producer, writer, performer and editor. Bub’s life mission is to help and guide people to love God with all their “heart, soul, mind and strength.” Part of how he does that is by providing truth-filled, accessible, captivating content that packs a little punch. Bub produces content that inspires, challenges and activates believers to use their talents and voices to make a difference in their communities and in the world for the cause of Christ. 

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