Share Life Today

Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Eight years ago, God gave us a vision to use our studios for a daily radio feature. We wanted to help encourage listeners to be active, faithful witnesses for Jesus Christ! So in 2015, we launched Share Life Today, which has only been possible with amazing radio partners — like the station you’re listening to right now! It started with us sharing tips and resources to Christians on one hundred and eighty-one radio stations; and today, God has grown that number to over eight hundred. And this week, we want say “to God be the glory” for this community we are now a part of—radio partners who are passionate about the Gospel being preached. And did you know, God has given you the same kind of opportunity with your personal platforms? He has gifted you with your personality, your job, your friends and family, talents… the list goes on. Let’s be intentional this week to use these gifts to bring others to Christ. For more, visit

This post originally appeared at

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