Waitley on Procrastination

Personal productivity consultant Denis Waitley says, “Good time management allows you to maximize the daily return on the energy and mental effort you expend.” The enemy of good time management explains Waitley, is often procrastination.

He states, “Too many people are waiting for “just the perfect setting,” “just the right situation,” or “just the right opportunity.” That perfect context may never come along.” He advises instead to “Put the energy you’ve been directing toward excuses into the activity you’ve been avoiding.” “Don’t be late, don’t hesitate, cogitate, marinate or procrastinate. Activate!”

I like that advice. Often times we as Christians miss God’s best for our lives not because we reject it but because we don’t move quickly enough to take advantage of the opportunities God brings our way. It’s always going to be easier to watch TV than to get out of our comfort zone by learning a new skill or sharing the Gospel with a non-Christian friend. But, taking those initiatives to experience God’s best is the way to redeem the time.

Rick Grubbs is best known as the host of “Redeeming the Time,” a one-minute radio program featured on hundreds of radio outlets around the world. He has spoken thousands of times on Biblical time management in all 50 states and 26 other countries. He is the author of the book “Morning Momentum: God’s plan for launching an unstoppable day”. He and his wife Carrie live in Salisbury NC with several of their 12 children.

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