On Sept. 6th, 2003, a man walked into a Food Lion store here in North Carolina and bought $150 of groceries. When he handed the clerk a $200 bill he was given the groceries and $50 change. Police are now looking for the man who passed the bill with George W. Bush’s picture and a sign on the White House lawn reading, “We like broccoli.”
Obviously someone was not careful handling money that day. But when you get paper money how do you handle it? The best way is to have a system of placing currency in your wallet or purse all facing the same way with larger bills in the back. Behind the currency, put gift certificates, coupons and receipts. Other items like credit cards and store cards should also be assigned a place so you can find them quickly instead of fumbling at the checkout.
The Bible teaches us God is not the author of confusion. To the extent we bring order to our lives we reflect His nature and redeem the time.
Rick Grubbs is best known as the host of “Redeeming the Time,” a one-minute radio program featured on hundreds of radio outlets around the world. He has spoken thousands of times on Biblical time management in all 50 states and 26 other countries. He is the author of the book “Morning Momentum: God’s plan for launching an unstoppable day”. He and his wife Carrie live in Salisbury NC with several of their 12 children.