Do You Believe that Believers Will Go Through the Tribulation Period?

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We will not go through the Tribulation Period. In Revelation 3:10, John writes to the church at Philadelphia and says that He will keep us from the time of testing which is the Tribulation Period. In 1 Thessalonians 5:9, Paul says that we will not go through the Tribulation. The details of the Tribulation Period can be found in Revelation 4:2-19:10. The word “church” is used 25 times in the Book of Revelation. It is used 19 times in chapters 1-3. It is not used in Revelation 4-19. The church is not even mentioned in these chapters that describe the Tribulation. The church will be taken out.

Daniel 9:27 is the seventieth week of Daniel. There were 70 weeks of Daniel, 490 years. The first 483 years there was no church. The last week, the seventieth week, there will be no church as well.

We will be having the Marriage Supper of the Lamb during that seven-year period of time. We will not be in the Tribulation period.

Jimmy DeYoung was a prophecy teacher and journalist who travelled the country and the world educating the Body of Christ of the future events foretold in God’s prophetic Word. His goal was to equip Christians with the knowledge and understanding of what God’s Word says will happen someday soon, so that they can make better decisions today. Dr. DeYoung went home to be with his Savior on August 15, 2021.

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