What Would the Birth Pangs Be in Matthew 24?

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It talks about the deception in Matthew 24:4, 5, 11, 21. In verse 6 He talks about wars and rumors of wars. In verse 7 he talks about kingdom against kingdom and nation against nation. He brings in famine, pestilence, and earthquakes. These are the birth pangs that He is referring to. It is an indication that He is getting ready to come back to the Earth.  It will be a seven-year period of time leading up to His return. These indicators will happen at the beginning. Matthew 24:4-7 is detailed in Revelation 6 which is talking about the seal judgments.

Jimmy DeYoung was a prophecy teacher and journalist who travelled the country and the world educating the Body of Christ of the future events foretold in God’s prophetic Word. His goal was to equip Christians with the knowledge and understanding of what God’s Word says will happen someday soon, so that they can make better decisions today. Dr. DeYoung went home to be with his Savior on August 15, 2021.

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