SpellBound:  The Paranormal Seduction of Today’s Kids

Date: January 27, 2025
Host: Jim Schneider
​Guest: Marcia Montenegro
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Jim began by quoting 1 Peter 5:8 which says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

Jim began this way because as he also pointed out, our culture today is inundated with films, books, toys, games and other items designed to lure and attract people into the occult.  Children and teens are constantly exposed to these efforts and worsening the situation are social media phone apps and popular online programs/games featuring occult themes.

This program is a warning from Marcia Montenegro.  Before becoming a Christian, Marcia was involved for many years in Eastern spiritual beliefs (Hindu and Buddhist), New Age, and occult practices.  She was a certified, professional astrologer who taught Astrology for several years.  She served as chairperson of the Astrology Board of Examiners and president of the Astrological Society in Atlanta.  She came to Christ and is now engaged in her full-time ministry, Christian Answers for the New Age.  She’s spoken around the country and writes on New Age and occult topics published in magazines, journals and books.  She is co-author of Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret and is author of the book discussed on this broadcast, Spellbound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today’s Kids.

Marcia began by defining the occult as a set of practices that involve either an attempt to contact an invisible/supernatural being or an attempt to use or manipulate some kind of supernatural source.  It can also involve reading or finding hidden or secret meaning into things. 

So what is the difference between that which is paranormal and the occult?  She indicated that something can be paranormal yet not occultic.  She described paranormal as referring to that which is beyond the normal.  However, if it involves contact with any kind of entity that is some kind of spirit, that’s when it becomes occultic.

Marcia believes that the occult has become more prevalent and accessible since she wrote Spellbound in 2006 (Updated in 2024).  Today, the younger generations that have grown up with social media and smart phones can go to the internet and learn about their zodiac sign, read about psychics and witches, etc.  Marcia noted that even in 2006 there was a lot of occult literature for children, teens and young adults, along with toys such as Zodiac Barbie. 

How does Marcia believe entertainment is being used to draw individuals into the  paranormal/occult?  Why are children more vulnerable to the paranormal than adults?  These are just two important questions dealt with during this discussion that also involved listeners as they joined with their input to finish the program.  

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