News Roundup & Comment

Date: September 29, 2023
Host: Jim Schneider
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Here’s your weekly selection of news highlights from the Crosstalk news desk:

–Senator Dianne Feinstein has passed away at the age of 90.  She represented the state of California since 1992.

–House Republicans are working to build a case to impeach President Joe Biden.  A series of inquiry hearings in the House Oversight Committee kicked off yesterday.

–The House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday revealed a document that showed Lesley Wolf, the assistant U.S. attorney for Delaware, blocked investigators from pursuing evidence relating to President Joe Biden as part of an investigation into violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). 

–President Joe Biden’s brother told the FBI that the first family, including Hunter, tried unsuccessfully to help a Chinese company buy U.S. energy interests and assets and did so believing that the firm’s leader was tied directly to the Chinese Communist Party.

–House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was all smiles Tuesday evening as he began his press conference to address progress in the House on the appropriations front.

–Senator Bob Menendez pleaded not guilty Wednesday to bribery charges.  Federal prosecutors have accused Menendez and his wife of accepting cash and gold bars in exchange for assisting the Egyptian government and interfering in law enforcement investigations.

–Disagreements over Ukraine aid are threatening to be a major factor in the looming government shutdown.

–Lawmakers are moving to protect the pay of U.S. troops as the clock ticks toward a potential government shutdown.  

–Former President Trump’s civil trial in New York on fraud charges will begin on Monday.

–President Biden joined striking autoworkers at Tuesday’s meeting in Detroit, marking what appeared to be the first time a sitting president has ever visited a picket line.

–The UAW announced that they will be expanding their targeted strike to more manufacturing plants as of noon today following a failure to reach a new contract with auto makers. 

–The Hunter Biden laptop saga began 4 years ago but it’s turning the tables on the FBI which is being asked to return the now infamous device.

–New York City is now officially led by a Freemason.

–The Senate has passed a new rule reinstating its formal dress code.

–A bill to rein in freedom-killing central bank digital currency is moving forward.

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