News Roundup 2-16-18

​​​​Date:       February 16, 2018
Host:        Jim Schneider
​Listen:     MP3 ​| Order​

​These are just some of the stories that made the cut for this edition of the ‘Round-Up’:

–The FBI revealed that they received a tip last month that 19 year old Nikolas
Cruze, accused of the Valentine’s Day Florida high school shooting, had a gun,
wanted to kill people, and there was the potential of him conducting a school
–In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, the liberal media was quick to push
gun control while vigorously waving a ridiculous school shooting statistic put
out by the anti-gun lobbyist group known as ‘Every Town for Gun Safety’.
According to their numbers, there’ve been 18 school shootings since the start
of 2018. This claim is false. Even the liberal Washington Post felt the need
to call out this group and the rest of the media.
–President Trump ordered that flags fly at half-staff at the White House, public
buildings/grounds and at military posts, naval stations and vessels until sunset
on February 19th.
–Representative Steve Scalise says that the power of prayer, even from those he
did not know, helped him through the difficult time in June of last year when a
crazy man shot and seriously injured him during a Republican baseball practice
in suburban Washington.
–Former President Barack Obama demanded unspecified common sense gun safety laws
after the Florida school shooting. He made no mention of what specific actions
he’s calling for or what actions would have prevented Wednesday’s tragedy from
taking place.
–A relative has indicated that Nikolas Cruze, who committed Wednesday’s mass
murder, was on psychiatric medications.
–Erich Pratt from Gun Owners of America noted that it’s disgusting how pundits
in the media and politicians are calling for gun control as a ‘knee jerk’
reaction to Wednesday’s tragedy.
–Several schools nationwide bolstered security or shuttered their doors today
following threats made in the wake of the Florida school shooting.
–One Washington grandmother, who saw alarming signs this week that her grandson
was about to conduct his own high school killing spree, acted quickly and likely
saved many innocent lives.
–The TV show, ‘The View’, is being blasted for an intolerant rant that criticized
Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian faith.
–Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released an open letter
yesterday to ABC News President James Goldston, warning him that if the two talk
show personalities don’t apologize for bashing Christians, he’ll
ask his millions of grass-roots activists to contact advertisers.
–Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis had been scheduled to speak at the University of
Central Oklahoma. He was dis-invited due to pressure from campus activists, but
has now been re-invited.
–According to a spokesman for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, a federal
grand jury in the District of Columbia indicted 13 Russian nationals and 3
Russian entities accused of interfering in U.S. elections.
–Mitt Romney announced today that he’s running for the U.S. Senate in Utah to
succeed Senator Orrin Hatch.
–In a vote of 39-60, the U.S. Senate rejected an immigration reform proposal from
Senator Chuck Grassley.
–The White House unveiled President Trump’s infrastructure plan on Monday.
–President Trump donated his 4th quarter 2017 paycheck to the Department of
–Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in an exclusive interview yesterday that the
Department of Justice was ending the executive branch legal activism of the
previous administration while also fighting the judicial activism of liberal
–President Trump has created a new division within the Health and Human Services
Office for Civil Rights with the express purpose of banning mandatory
vaccinations across the nation and insuring citizens have a right to choose
their own healthcare.
–This January, the federal government ran a surplus while collecting record total
tax revenues for that month.

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