Show Information
Air Date: February 26, 2014
Host: Vic Eliason
Federal Judge Orlando Garcia struck down the Texas ban on gay marriage. The ban is being left in place for now pending an appeals court decision later this year. This ruling is the latest is a series of victories for homosexual activists.
An Arizona bill (Senate Bill 1062) that would provide legal protection for businesses that wish to deny services to customers for religious reasons is sparking heated debate. Governor Jan Brewer is facing pressure from those on the pro-homosexual side as well as those who side with religious liberty. Those on the pro-homosexual side are calling this ‘state-sanctioned discrimination’.
Top national Republicans just want this issue to go away. Republican South Dakota Senator John Thune says we should stay focused on Obamacare while Mitt Romney joined prominent Republicans in urging Brewer to veto the bill.
A Washington Examiner editorial reports that Arizona could lose the privilege of hosting the 2015 Super Bowl if the governor moves ahead and signs the bill.
The liberal Southern Poverty Law Center is back in the news as they continue to be used by the U.S. Department of Defense as a resource for its training materials, despite charges of bias by a coalition of Christian and conservative groups. The SPLC lists groups such as the Traditional Values Coalition, Save California, Pacific Justice Institute, Family Research Institute, Family Research Council, Truth in Action Ministries and others as anti-LGBT.
Pamela Geller, President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative reports that the SPLC has dropped the Nation of Islam from their list of hate groups.