Bank Robber Quote
Bank robbers aren’t very smart. Someone calculated how much they make per hour by totaling the money stolen from banks and never recovered, and dividing it by the hours served …
Bank Robber Quote Read MoreChristian Information Radio. TV. Online.
Bank robbers aren’t very smart. Someone calculated how much they make per hour by totaling the money stolen from banks and never recovered, and dividing it by the hours served …
Bank Robber Quote Read MoreEveryone gives their time, and ultimately their life, to what they believe. The problem is some people believe in little or nothing and so they give their lives to little …
Give Your Life to What You Believe Read MoreA young man once observed a man in his 80’s planting a new apple orchard. The old man was carefully tending the soil, nourishing and watering the little saplings. The …
Make a Difference Read MoreEveryone needs a purpose. God created us with a need to live focused lives. We need something big enough to live for and, if need be, big enough to die …
Activity-filled Life Read MoreI recently read of a missionary who was reviewing his life and those who had given him advice down through the years. He said: Amongst many who sought to deter …
Cannibals or Worms Read MoreI once heard of a man who wanted to show how easily manipulated most people are when it comes to signing on to a cause. To demonstrate his point he …
Dihydrogen monoxide Read MoreIt’s beyond me how anyone can study the human eye and not believe it is the product of an intelligent creator. Its complexity and precision are amazing. As light enters …
Spiritual Eyes Read MoreNo fear! That’s a popular slogan today. But is it really wise to have no fear? If you walk a tightrope over Niagra Falls some fear would be helpful to …
No Fear Read MoreSomeone said, “The safest place for a ship to be is in the harbor. But that is not what ships were made for” Using your time to your fullest potential …
Get out of the Harbor Read MoreEveryone has a great idea in the shower. The problem is most of us never hang on to that idea long enough to step out, dry off, and write it …
Act on Your Best Ideas Read MoreOswald Chambers, who is remembered for his classic book, “My Utmost for His Highest,” once said “God can use one person who has been totally transformed by God more than …
Commitment in the Valley Read MoreIf a friend were asked to choose only one verb to describe your life, what would it be? If you ever read a book about great prayer warriors of the …
What Verb Describes You? Read MoreSupreme court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was on a train when the conductor came through collecting tickets. But the Justice couldn’t find his ticket and became very distraught. The conductor …
Lost Ticket Read MoreIn July, 1994, more than 20 fragments of a giant comet collided with the planet Jupiter. The fragment with the greatest impact, known as the “G” fragment, exploded with the …
High Impact Read MoreA foreigner was visiting the US and said, “I don’t understand your American roads. When you have a bump in the road you put a sign up saying ‘bump’. In …
Fixing the Bump Read MoreAndrew Jackson, the 7th US President was the first President to have his photo taken. No one alive today has seen the face of any of the first 6 Presidents. …
Forgotten Faces Read MoreA 47 year old man and his wife were hospitalized in New Jersey recently after a quarter-stick of dynamite blew up in their car. While driving around at 2 a.m. …
Boredom- Dynamite Explosion Read MoreA visiting relative asked a 5 year old girl, “What are you going to do when you get to be as big as your mother?” The child replied, “Go on …
Give Children a Vision Read MoreA resource I recently came across from the Advanced Training Institute contained a little article titled “Commit Your Life.” Let me share it with you. The call of Jesus Christ …
Commit Your Life Read More