Not In My Country

Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

I met a pastor a few years ago who told me that evangelism doesn’t work anymore. He told me you can’t go and talk to people because the culture doesn’t approve. Do you know where this pastor was from? The African nation of Zambia. Unfortunately, that is a common statement we often hear around the world. However, I asked this pastor if he’d be open to come to a training near his home in Zambia and test his theory. Well, during that week, the Gospel was shared with 234 people with 158 giving their lives to Christ. Needless to say, he not only had a change of heart but a renewed passion for sharing the Gospel. And this is what we want to happen in our country. Sharing the Gospel is still effective. People are open to hearing the Good News of the Gospel…so let’s share! For resources to help you share your faith, visit our website at That’s

This post originally appeared at

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