D-day dummies

When Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, France in the D-Day invasion of WWII, one of their most effective tactics was the use of rubber dummies on parachutes as decoys. When the Germans saw the multitudes of parachutes decending toward them they unloaded much of their arsenal on the dummies which were also rigged with firecrackers to make them more visible.
One of the most effective tactics in any battle is to get your opponent distracted with a fake attack. Then, when their focus is on the fake skirmish, and their energy is spent, the real attack begins. It works in military battles, sports, and all too often, it is a tactic of Satan to defeat the Christian in spiritual warfare.
How often have you spent your time fretting over traffic, office politics, or minor financial setbacks, only to arrive at the end of the day having failed to share the Gospel with even one single person?
Remember, choose your battles carefully so you’ll redeem the time.

Rick Grubbs is best known as the host of “Redeeming the Time,” a one-minute radio program featured on hundreds of radio outlets around the world. He has spoken thousands of times on Biblical time management in all 50 states and 26 other countries. He is the author of the book “Morning Momentum: God’s plan for launching an unstoppable day”. He and his wife Carrie live in Salisbury NC with several of their 12 children.

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