![Lancelot Andrewes](https://i0.wp.com/2019pray.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Lancelot_Andrewes_by_Simon_de_Passe_1618.jpg?resize=332%2C533&ssl=1)
Lancelot Andrewes was leader of one of the companies that translated the King James Bible. Here’s some insights from him on prayer:
Hallowed be Thy Name
This is the first of the seven petitions, and it is the only one that is concerned with God. Hence before seeking our own and our brethren’s needs, we pray that God’s name will be sanctified as He alone is holy, and the Saviour. As we ponder on the holiness of God there should come to us other manifestations of holiness such as His day, the Church, His undershepherds, His ordinances, creation and our fellow brothers and sisters.
sanctus, sanctus, sanctus. This petition also reminds us that we must not curse the Holy name, and that we must pray for those who do. We must also not give any glory to ourselves but only to God as everything we have comes from Him. When we reverence God’s name it also helps us to fight the sin of pride, so much rooted in us. Above all the petition tells us of our true vocation:
If while we remain on earth our whole desire be to sanctify God’s name, we shall at length come to the place where we shall say and might sing as the Cherubims do, and with the heavenly host of Angels sing, ‘Glory to God on high;’ we shall fall down before His throne, saying always, ‘Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour and praise for ever.’