Arrival to Rab concentration camp, public domain
In the aftermath of World War II, the Soviet Communists continued to expand their deadly regime across the European continent. After the fall of Nazi Germany, many German speakers found themselves free of one tyrannical government just to be put under the boot of another one. This is what Eva Edl experienced. As a German speaker, she was forced into a Soviet death camp right after World War II. She even turned ten years old inside a Soviet camp.
She described how she was shipped off in cattle cars to a concentration camp called Gakowa in Yugoslavia at age 9: “We were packed body to body, and being a small child, I could hardly breathe. We had no food, no water.”
Now she is 88 years old and is facing the reality that she is once again under a tyrannical regime: the Biden regime. Eva was charged earlier this year by President Joe Biden’s Justice Department with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances, or FACE, act. She now faces 11 years in prison and $350,000 in fines.
This is because, when her family made it to the United States, Eva was soon faced with the horror of abortion. “It bothered me that people would actually think of killing their own children,” Eva said. Having seen death and destruction first-hand, Eva could not believe that the place her family went to for safety was tolerating death for babies as a business.
Because of her pro-life advocacy that she has relentlessly engaged in, she has been charged with the FACE act. Eva now has to face the reality that the country she came to for safety and freedom may now force her to die in prison simply because she wanted to protect unborn lives.
This post originally appeared at