May 21
1 Samuel 29:1-31:13
John 11:55-12:19
Psalm 118:1-18
Proverbs 15:24-26
I Samuel 29:8 – Loyalty is good, but when the enemies of your boss are God’s people, there’s a problem. Thankfully God worked in the hearts of the Philistines to kick David out of the army (I Samuel 29:4).
I Samuel 30:9 – Thankfully David is back to talking to the LORD!
I Samuel 30:23 – David is reminding the troops, they did not get the victory by their strength, but by the LORD’s provision.

I Samuel 31:12 – Why did the men of Jabesh-Gilead rescue the bodies of Saul and his sons? In I Samuel 11:11, Saul delivered the men of Jabesh-Gilead from the Ammonites who would only accept surrender upon them surrendering their right eyes.
John 12:3 – Imagine if Mary said, “I can do this next time Jesus passes thru town.” If God lays something on your heart, do it today!
John 12:10 – This is one of the funniest verses in the Bible… Didn’t they think Jesus might raise him again?
Psalm 118:5 – Praise the LORD for when He has delivered you from distress.
Proverbs 15:26 – Are you getting the idea that God hates sin?
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