News Round-Up 4-29-16

​​Date:  April 29, 2016

Host:  Jim Schneider

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From the latest on the transgender movement to the presidential candidates to Islam’s continued influence, Jim covered these and other issues in headline form on this News Round-Up & Comment program.

–Target’s stock value is dropping in light of the boycott by those who disagree
with their pro-transgender restroom/changing room policy. The company
continues to stand firm to their pro-transgender position.
–The National Organization for Marriage is urging their supporters to join the
boycott of Target.
–Coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries was forced from the property
of a Target store in Heath, Ohio, for warning customers that the women’s
restrooms are open to men.
–Target has an entire section of ‘pride’ products on their website.
–The city council in Oxford, Alabama, has made it illegal for anyone to use a
public restroom that doesn’t align with the gender that they were born with.
–Target corporate offices can be reached at 800-440-0680.
–The State of California has decided to allow any male prisoner who says he is a
woman to spend their incarceration inside of a women’s prison. They are also
mandating that taxpayers must pay for any transgender prisoner seeking surgical
reassignment surgery.
–North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest says that their bathroom law is
designed to protect women and children from predators and sexual offenders and
that LGBT activists and their allies are running an amazing smear campaign based
upon lies.
–Nancy Pelosi unveils a 4 point plan for a homosexual agenda.
–Harris Wofford, a former Democratic senator from Pennsylvania was once married
to a woman named Clair for 48 years. He recently announced via an op-ed in the
New York Times that he has found love again and is set to marry a man who is 50
years his junior.
–Stanford has an LGBT executive leadership program.
–The Colorado Supreme Court refused to hear the case of a baker who refused to
make a wedding cake for a same sex couple.
–LGBT advocacy groups are urging the Department of Education to swiftly issue
guidance to all schools regarding their obligations under Title IX.
–The Massachusetts Music Educators Association has published an article warning
school music teachers across the state that they must provide LGBTQ friendly
classrooms otherwise they risk having a hostile climate that impairs student’s
academic success and mental health.
–A measure that attempted to take power away from Missouri lawmakers died in
committee after 3 Republicans voted against it.
–The U.S. Army decided late yesterday to retain a decorated Green Beret that they
had planned to kick out after he physically confronted a local Afghan commander
accused of raping a boy over the course of many days.
–The House Armed Services committee voted Wednesday to require women to sign up
for the draft during a markup of fiscal 2017 defense policy bill.
–Cleveland, Ohio, has purchased insurance in anticipation of large scale rioting
this summer at the Republican National Convention.
–200,000 convicted felons in the State of Virginia can now register to vote.
–If the Obama administration has anything to do with it, ‘justice involved
individuals’ will have expanded economic, educational and civic opportunities
throughout the United States.
–The State Department admitted last week that it withheld an email that was
requested in July of 2014 seeking records related to the drafting and use of the
administration’s infamous Benghazi talking points.
–John Boehner calls Ted Cruz, ‘Lucifer in the flesh’.
–Cruz names Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate.
–Citizens for a Pro-Life Society organized a protest outside of the Detroit
Planned Parenthood abortion clinic on Saturday. During the event a local
satanist group arrived and put on a disturbing counter-protest.
–Around 600 members of various European police and military forces carried out a
European Union funded training exercise in preparation for major civil unrest,
even war.
–President Obama and Congress have agreed to fund permanent resettlement of
10,000 Syrian refugees over the next three years but the number could be ten
times larger.
–Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas is withdrawing from the U.S. refugee
resettlement program.
–President Obama announces that he intends to accelerate the vetting time for
Syrian refugees entering the U.S. from 2 years of vetting down to 3 months.
–6 members of Americorps recently escorted young, pregnant women to abortion
clinics in a direct violation of federal funding rules.
–The House Armed Services Committee voted down an amendment that would have
allowed service members and their dependents to receive abortion services at
defense medical facilities if they personally provide funding.
–The Texas voter I.D. law to remain in effect possibly through the November
–Islamic State hacks Michigan church website.
–Milwaukee op-ed piece claims that true Islam teaches gender equity and
empowerment of women.
–The U.S. Department of Education is instructing educators to be aware of
bullying of Muslim students and to include Islam in their classroom lesson plans
and discussions.
–President Obama says, ‘We are fortunate to be living in the most peaceful, most
prosperous, most progressive era in human history.’

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