Islamic Kidnapping of Nigerian Schoolgirls

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Air Date: May, 7 2014

Host: Jim Schneider

Guest: Dr. David Curry

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Dr. David Curry is the President and CEO of Open Doors. Open Doors has been ministering for nearly 60 years to nations where Christianity is under pressure or illegal.

Jim began with an update regarding the Justine Pelletier case. An e-mail from Mat Staver indicates that Massachusetts Health and Human Services Secretary John Polanowicz revealed that there are plans underway to move Justina to the J.R.I. Susan Wayne Center in Thompson, Connecticut. While this may sound like a positive move both for Justina and her parents, it’s not. The problem is that DCF is proposing that Justina be housed at the behavioral wing of this new location rather than a medical facility. This appears to be problematic because some believe it’s the psychotherapy experimentation that’s been forced on her that’s caused her current poor physical health condition.

Nigeria is ranked number #14 on the Open Doors World Watch List but #1 in violent incidents as in the last year to year and a half there have been attacks by a group known as Boko Haram on schools, churches and villages.

A recent example of the horrific activity being perpetrated by Boko Haram is the kidnapping of Nigerian girls ages 11-18 from a Christian boarding school. Their leader has been in the news for indicating that these girls will be sold as slaves in the name of Allah for $12.50 each.

David explains the political and religious factors that are allowing for this kind of activity, what news he has on the condition of some of the girls, how he feels about both the Nigerian and U.S. responses and more.

More Information

To intervene on behalf of Justina Pelletier:

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick
617-725-4005-Boston office
413-784-1200-Springfield office
202-624-7713-Washington, D.C. office

John Polanowicz-Secretary of Health and Human Services

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