National Day of Prayer

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Air Date: May 5, 2011

Host: Vic Eliason

Guest: None

Listen: Real Audio | Windows Media | MP3

On this official National Day of Prayer in the United States, Vic opened the program by reading a prayer by the Honorary Chairperson of the National Day of Prayer, Joni Eareckson Tada.

The history of prayer for our nation, and the record of God’s protection of our nation, especially in times of war, was discussed. In addition, the need to pray not only for our nation, but for our churches and for Christian ministries, who are fighting a spiritual battle. Examples of God providing for ministries that are faithfully spreading the Gospel were given. Prayers that the Holy Spirit will convict people of their sin and their need for Christ, and that Christians will be more bold in sharing the Gospel, were also mentioned.

The phone lines were then opened for listeners to comment on prayer–including the need for prayer, answers to prayer, and Scriptures calling on believers to pray, were among the comments shared.

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