The Poverty Cost of Absent Fathers

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · July 25 | The Poverty Cost of Absent Fathers **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // July 2011 ** The United States has millions of children living below the poverty line, and the principal reason they are poor is that their parents are not married to each other. Poverty is massively greater for […]

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Don’t Spend Tuition Dollars on ‘Meathead’ Majors

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · July 18 | Don’t Spend Tuition Dollars on ‘Meathead’ Majors **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // July 2011 ** Harvey Mansfield is one conservative professor at Harvard University, and he recently wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal that is worth bringing to your attention, especially if you have a college […]

Don’t Spend Tuition Dollars on ‘Meathead’ Majors Read More

You Can’t Judge a Course by Its Title

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · July 11 | You Can’t Judge a Course by Its Title Photo: File:UFV MATH CONTEST (13906939040); Photographer: Rick Collins of UFV; Lic.: CC BY 2.0 **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // July 2011 ** More students than ever are earning credits for advanced classes, according to a Department of Education study released […]

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Today is America’s Birthday

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · July 4 | Today is America’s Birthday **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // July 2011 ** It seems like schools today are obsessed with teaching tolerance, diversity and multiculturalism. It is really much more important that young American citizens have an understanding of our nation’s founding documents, such as the Declaration of […]

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Free Lunches Feed School Coffers

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · June 24 | Free Lunches Feed School Coffers Photo: A school tray showing a reimbursable school breakfast for grades Kindergarten through 12 – MyPlate; public domain **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // June 2011 ** An elementary school principal in Chicago stirred up a big flap recently when she prohibited students from […]

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No Cross Too Small to Escape Atheists’ Attack

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · June 18 | No Cross Too Small to Escape Atheists’ Attack **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // June 2012 ** Today I’m going to remind you that no cross is too small to escape being targeted for removal by the atheists. In Woonsocket, Rhode Island, a little town you probably never heard […]

No Cross Too Small to Escape Atheists’ Attack Read More

God Bless the U.S.A.: School Censors Lee Greenwood’s Famous Song

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · June 11 | School Censors Lee Greenwood’s Famous Song Crowd Waving American Flags during the Lee Greenwood Concert **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // June 2012 ** Most Americans are familiar with, and enjoy hearing, Lee Greenwood’s patriotic song that includes the famous line “God bless the U.S.A.” The Greenwood song had […]

God Bless the U.S.A.: School Censors Lee Greenwood’s Famous Song Read More

Government Pre-K Doesn’t Help Children

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · June 4 | Government Pre-K Doesn’t Help Children **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // February 2010 ** Sending little children to preschool has become very popular in recent years. The Department of Education estimates that back in 1965, only 5% of three-year-olds and 16% of four-year-olds attended preschool. By the year 2000, […]

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When real life hero Ryan Gosling encountered the Silliness of Feminists

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · May 20 | The Stupidity of Feminists Photo: Ryan Gosling TIFF 2011; creator, Ed Van-West Garcia; CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // May 2012 ** When I visited London, I knew my life as a pedestrian was always in danger. The automobiles were always coming from where I […]

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Court Rejects ‘Minority Coalition’ Redistricting 

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · May 13 | Court Rejects ‘Minority Coalition’ Redistricting **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // May 2012 ** Let me tell you about a rare unanimous decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on a controversial redistricting issue. Every ten years we have a national census, as required by the Constitution, and congressional districts […]

Court Rejects ‘Minority Coalition’ Redistricting  Read More

A Plunge into Constitutional Chaos

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · April 22 | A Plunge into Constitutional Chaos **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // April 2011 ** Several state legislatures are considering resolutions to use a never-before-used power in our Constitution’s Article V to petition Congress to call a new national convention to amend the U.S. Constitution. Most of these resolutions say […]

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Self Esteem Out, Hard Work In

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · April 15 | Self-Esteem Out, Hard Work In **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // April 2012 ** Conservatives have long argued that teachers who prop up their students’ self-esteem were doing the wrong thing. Despite our warnings, public school students have received a steady diet of unearned praise for years, all in […]

Self Esteem Out, Hard Work In Read More

Surprise: Parental Rights Win One

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · March 18 | Surprise: Parental Rights Win One Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // March 2009 ** A public school program called “Teen Screen” subjects teenagers to psychological evaluation, labeling, and stigmatizing. Teen screen is marketed as a “voluntary mental health check-up.” It is supposed to […]

Surprise: Parental Rights Win One Read More

Feminists Consider Motherhood Oppressive

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · March 11 | Feminists Consider Motherhood Oppressive **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // March 2010 ** I was flipping the channels on my television a couple of weeks ago, and I stopped as I always do on C-SPAN Books. There was some feminist, whose name is not important, giving a five-minute rant […]

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The Most Powerful Office Is Not the President

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · March 5 | The Most Powerful Office Is Not the President **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // March 2010 ** Do you know that the most powerful office in the United States is not the President? Indeed, the most powerful man in the world is the U.S. President, but the presidency is […]

The Most Powerful Office Is Not the President Read More

Adults Don’t Know Much About Civics

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · February 16 | Adults Don’t Know Much About Civics Photo: Branches US gov; public domain **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // February 2009 ** Can you name the three branches of American government (legislative, executive, and judicial)? Only one-half of Americans know this very basic fact about the U.S. Constitution. The Intercollegiate […]

Adults Don’t Know Much About Civics Read More

Protecting Our American Identity

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · February 9 | Protecting Our American Identity **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // February 2009 ** February is the month when we celebrate and honor some of our nation’s heroes starting with George Washington. Federal law 5 USC 6103 clearly specifies that the third Monday in February is a “legal public holiday” […]

Protecting Our American Identity Read More