WOKENESS: Based on a Marxist Worldview


I’m Bub Kuns, and today we’re talking about wokeness one more time.

The woke movement—the latest flavor of Marxism — is an atheistic ideology in direct conflict with Christianity — especially when it comes to its view of God and man.

As economist Rod Dreher points out, “Marx viewed humans as ‘social beings’ entirely determined by historical and material circumstances rather than by their relationship with God. He viewed human reason as purely instrumental—a tool of production and social organization rather than the capacity to contemplate the truth and participate in the divine wisdom. Finally, Marx viewed liberation as the fruit of political action, not as a personal process of conversion aided by grace.”

You see, wokeness cannot be reconciled with Christianity for the simple fact that they come from two opposing worldviews. Whereas Marxism views humans as the product of their environment, the Bible tells us we are the product of God’s gracious handiwork. 

And if SOCIALISM stems from Marxism, what are ITS dangers? We’ll discuss them another time.

For more information go to www.hopetools.net.  Stay Bold!

Bub Kuns is (at heart) a storyteller. He is a director, producer, writer, performer and editor. Bub’s life mission is to help and guide people to love God with all their “heart, soul, mind and strength.” Part of how he does that is by providing truth-filled, accessible, captivating content that packs a little punch. Bub produces content that inspires, challenges and activates believers to use their talents and voices to make a difference in their communities and in the world for the cause of Christ. 

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