WOKENESS: A Christian Response (Part 2) 


This is Bub Kuns, and we’re talking about wokeness again.

Woke ideology fixates on perceived wrongs in society without offering any solutions, attacking those it blames for societal ills instead of trying to actually RESOLVE our issues. And, really, wokeness CAN’T offer any lasting resolution — only the GOSPEL can!

As author Noelle Mering said, “[T]he defining logic of Christianity is a corrective … In contrast, for the Woke, we are not to understand ourselves in proximity to the goodness of God, but in proximity to the evil of society.”

You see, society really IS fallen — but it’s because of our sinful human nature, not because of class, skin color, or racial privilege. Compared to our Creator, the righteousness of ANY human is like “filthy rags.” It’s only as we share the Gospel and people focus their gaze on Christ — not on the sinful, fallen culture — that the world will find the redemption it so desperately needs.

There are other godly ways Christians can respond and we’ll discuss them another time.

For more information go to www.hopetools.net.  Stay Bold!

Bub Kuns is (at heart) a storyteller. He is a director, producer, writer, performer and editor. Bub’s life mission is to help and guide people to love God with all their “heart, soul, mind and strength.” Part of how he does that is by providing truth-filled, accessible, captivating content that packs a little punch. Bub produces content that inspires, challenges and activates believers to use their talents and voices to make a difference in their communities and in the world for the cause of Christ. 

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