WOKENESS: A Christian Response (Part 1)


I’m Bub Kuns, and today we’re talking about wokeness yet again.

In recent years, woke advocates have gone to extreme measures to promote their Marxist ideology, including intimidation and violence. How is the church to respond?

Well, the answer is to boldly and lovingly present the truth revealed in the Word of God.

As theologian Owen Strachan said, “Rioting isn’t going to work for our culture. Arson is not a strategy for the public square, nor is it going to work in the church…This [woke] system produces division, resentment, and alienation; where[as] when you go to Scripture, when you go to truth, when you go to the gospel of grace, that’s where you actually can now find forgiveness and oneness and unity.”

And how else should believers respond to wokeness? We’ll discuss that another time.

For more information go to www.hopetools.net.  Stay Bold!

Bub Kuns is (at heart) a storyteller. He is a director, producer, writer, performer and editor. Bub’s life mission is to help and guide people to love God with all their “heart, soul, mind and strength.” Part of how he does that is by providing truth-filled, accessible, captivating content that packs a little punch. Bub produces content that inspires, challenges and activates believers to use their talents and voices to make a difference in their communities and in the world for the cause of Christ. 

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