Patch LIVE: Operation Arctic Rally

1,200 people packed out the Waukesha Expo Center and countless more listened live online and on the radio to the Patch LIVE: Operation Arctic Adventure!

Balcony view of crowd at Patch Rally
Balcony view of crowd at Patch Rally
Audience intently watching the Patch Rally
Audience intently watching the Patch Rally
Panorama of crowd for Operation Arctic
Panorama of crowd for Operation Arctic

The crew of the Jolly Roger sailed to the Arctic Circle as Princess discovered what true leadership is, and Petty the Proud has a change of heart!

Operation Arctic Stage
Operation Arctic Stage
Operation Arctic Stage Closeup
Operation Arctic Stage Closeup

Joining the crew of the Jolly Roger, was a 120 voice children’s choir!

Carolyn leading the children's choir backstage at Operation Arctic
Carolyn leading the children’s choir backstage at Operation Arctic

The crew took pictures with families after the production

Viking Horde taking pictures after Operation Arctic
Viking Horde taking pictures after Operation Arctic

After the production the Patch Crew and the VCY staff joined for a picture on stage!

Patch Crew and VCY Staff
Patch Crew and VCY Staff

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