
Get your favorite VCY Programs like Crosstalk, In Focus, God’s Word for Today, and VCY Rallies in your favorite podcast app!

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and copy / paste the appropriate URL

VCY Today http://feeds.feedburner.com/vcytoday

God’s Word for Today daily Bible reading – http://feeds.feedburner.com/vcybible

Crosstalk Americahttp://feeds.feedburner.com/CrosstalkPodcast

In Focus TV http://feeds2.feedburner.com/vcyinfocus

VCY Rallies TV http://feeds.feedburner.com/vcyrallies

Try it out on Apple TV!

Apple TV In Focus
Apple TV In Focus
In Focus

VCY Rallies Podcast
VCY Rallies Podcast
VCY Rallies

VCY Crosstalk Podcast
VCY Crosstalk Podcast
Crosstalk Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music

Daily Bible Reading Podcast
Daily Bible Reading
Listen on Google Play Music

Inspiration Time: http://feeds.feedburner.com/InspirationTimeHilton