June 11 – The Ark Enters the Temple

1 Kings 8:1-66
Acts 7:51-8:13
Psalm 129:1-8
Proverbs 17:1

1 Kings 8:23 — Mercy upon His servants! Such a great treasure to be thankful for!

1 Kings 8:33 — Turn and confess; repeated in 1 Kings 8:35.

1 Kings 8:41 — In case you hadn’t figured it out, this verse is talking about most of us.

Acts 7:51 — Not exactly a seeker-sensitive invitation.

Acts 7:56 — Normally, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God (Matthew 26:64). This is the only time Jesus is recorded standing at the right hand, perhaps ready to welcome His faithful servant home.

Psalm 129:4 — Near the center of this verse is an eternal truth: The LORD is righteous!

Proverbs 17:1 — Wise words. Peace over displays of worship.

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