Leviticus 27:14-Numbers 1:54
Mark 11:1-26
Psalm 46:1-11
Proverbs 10:23
Leviticus 27:15 — Some people dedicate their house to the Lord today, and they invite their church family and the pastor over to pray that their new house can be used for the Lord’s glory. That’s an admirable thing to do. Showing hospitality is often mentioned in the Bible (Isaiah 58:7, I Timothy 5:10, Titus 1:8, 1 Peter 4:9), but sanctifying and redeeming your house was a lot more expensive under the Age of Law.
Congratulations on finishing your fourth book of the Bible! Great job and
welcome to Numbers!
Numbers 1:2 — A census! We read about the census in Exodus 30:11-16. We can assume that they paid the census tax. So, as you read this list, it seems rather dull, but what is amazing is the precision to detail!
Mark 11:6 — Often we poke fun at the disciples, but in spite of their failings, sometimes they did obey. And when they did, they saw His plan.
Psalm 46 — There are many great hymns based on this passage, including the Psalter version by Charles Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle, London.
Psalm 46:10 — Stop worrying! Be still and know who your God is!
Proverbs 10:23 — Good instruction for young boys who want to cause mischief!
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