March 28
Deuteronomy 9:1-10:22
Luke 8:4-21
Psalm 69:19-36
Proverbs 12:2-3
Deuteronomy 9:4 – Let’s count: “Speak not…for my righteousness” (v.4)…. “Not for thy righteousness” (v.5)…. “not…for thy righteousness” (v.6)…. “ye have been rebellious” (v.7)… “the LORD was angry with you” (v.8)…. “ye had sinned against the LORD” (v.16)…. “all your sins which ye sinned” (v.18)…. “the LORD was wroth against you” (v.19)…. “ye provoked the LORD to wrath” (v.22)…. “ye rebelled against the commandment of the LORD” (v.23)…. “Ye have been rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you.” (v.24)… “the LORD had said he would destroy you” (v.25)…. “he hated them” (v.28)…. 13 times in 24 verses. Not your typical Commencement Address for graduates of Sinai U.
Deuteronomy 10:12 – Now we get to the summary:
- Fear God
- Love God
- Serve God
- Obey God.
Deuteronomy 10:19 – What are the commands for the Israelites to do for strangers? Have consistent laws (Exodus 12:49, Leviticus 24:22, Numbers 9:14, 15:15-16, Deuteronomy 1:16), Not oppress them (Exodus 22:21, Leviticus 19:33-34, 24:22), but love them (Deuteronomy 10:18-19), and do justice (Deuteronomy 24:17-18, 27:19).

Luke 8:5 – Have you been sowing lately?
Psalm 69:24 – Another imprecatory Psalm, not seeking personal revenge, but begging God to intervene and avenge us.
Proverbs 12:3 – An interesting parallel to the house of sand vs the house of rock.
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