June 16
1 Kings 15:25-17:24
Acts 10:24-48
Psalm 134:1-3
Proverbs 17:9-11
1 Kings 16:9 – Just some tactical advice – if you are going to lead an insurrection, make sure you’re the captain of the whole host (1 Kings 16:16), and not just a partial captain. Also, tactical advice, drunkenness does not become kings (Proverbs 31:4).
1 Kings 16:23 – We actually have several secular records of Omri. From ABR:
Omri had occupied the land of Medeba (northern Moab), and had dwelt there in his time (Albright 1969: 320; for a discussion of the Mesha Inscription, see Wood 1996b).

1 Kings 16:31 – Jeroboam violated the 2nd Commandment – using graven images to worship the LORD in a way He forbade. Ahab violated the 1st & 2nd Commandment – using graven images to worship Baal, another god.
1 Kings 17:12 – Interesting phrase ‘thy god’ as opposed to ‘my god.’ Jesus referred to this – Elijah went not to a widow in his hometown, but to Zarephath of Sidon (Luke 4:25-26).
1 Kings 17:24 – Now after the miracle of the cruse of oil the widow didn’t say this, only after the return of her son.
Acts 10:26 – This is helpful, because when a being does not tell the worshipful human to arise, it implies they are God.
Psalm 134:1 – Bless comes from the Hebrew word Barach. From GotQuestions:
The Hebrew word most often translated “bless” is barak, which can mean to praise, congratulate, or salute, and is even used to mean a curse. Genesis 1:22is the first occurrence, when God blessed the sea creatures and birds, telling them to be fruitful and multiply in the earth.
Proverbs 17:9 – The lost art of discretion. Some stuff does not belong on Facebook.
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