April 23 – Judges starts well, but not for long

April 23
Judges 1:1-2:9
Luke 21:29-22:13
Psalm 90:1-91:16
Proverbs 13:24-25

Judges 1:1 – The book of Judges starts on a high note! “The children of Israel asked the LORD.” Unfortunately it ends on a bad note (Judges 21:25).

Judges 2:2 – “ye have not obeyed my voice.” The pre-incarnate LORD spoke, not a messenger who said “Thus saith the LORD.” And it was a rebuke. Obedience is what God desires.

Judas sells Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Lippo Memmi, 14th Century.

Luke 22:5 – “and they were glad.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 says that the Lord loveth a cheerful giver, but these givers although cheerful, were not giving to the Lord, but to a man possessed by Satan who would help them kill the Lord.

Psalm 90:12 – There’s “Death Clock” websites that you can punch in your date of birth, sex, smoking habit, body mass index, personality, alcohol consumption, and country you live in, and it will tell you how much time you have left on earth, statistically speaking. When we number our days, we can stop and think about what we are putting our most valuable resource (not our talent, not our treasure, not our tools, but our time) into.

Psalm 91:2 “my God; in him will I trust”

Proverbs 13:24 – A goal of parenting is to set the appetite of your children. You want them to love good, and be repulsed by evil. Obedience brings blessing, and disobedience brings consequences. A danger is when we overemphasize the behavior from our children, the child may be tempted to lie about their improper actions to please you (or rather not infuriate you). While we are pleased with his words, he may feel rewarded for lying about doing wrong, and punished for admitting when he did wrong. Make sure that you’re not just encouraging verbal conformity, but truth telling as well!

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