January 19
Genesis 39:1-41:16
Matthew 12:46-13:23
Psalm 17:1-15
Proverbs 3:33-35

Genesis 39:2 shows us prosperity from someone who was with the Lord. While God can send prosperity, not all prosperity is of God (Psalm 73:12). Doctrine makes a difference – nonbelievers can follow Proverbs advice from God on how to be successful but they don’t have to follow the Author of the rules. While there are many ways to riches on this earth – only one doctrine leads to riches in the next world (Matthew 6:19).
Genesis 39:8 – Joseph was willing to risk prosperity on this planet (Genesis 39:8) because he would not risk the next world (Genesis 39:9), and lost his material prosperity in this world (Genesis 39:20). Recently in the news a man in Oregon was asked to violate his conscience so he quoted a verse of Scripture and was fined $135,000. Sometimes, though, the test is not will you stand in persecution, but can you stand in blessing.
Genesis 41:16 – Joseph turned down the credit (Genesis 41:16), when yesterday he seemingly wanted the credit (Genesis 37:6).
Matthew 13 is a great example of “venture capital.” A friend of mine is a venture capitalist – he buys businesses. Some get devoured. Some wither. Some are choked. But if just one of ten businesses can return an hundredfold, or even just thirtyfold, he can make a ton of money. Speaking of investing – what are you investing in? Are you investing in spreading the Gospel seeds? Are you praying for your friends that as they respond that they won’t be devoured, withered, or choked?
Psalm 17:13 is a great cry from someone oppressed – as we go thru trials we can cry to the One who listens!
Psalm 17:15 – Also, notice how Psalm 17:15 today and Psalm 16:10 yesterday seem to be a burst of prophetic utterance in the midst of a prayer within a temporal struggle?
Proverbs 3:33-35 is a great example of Hebrew antithetical poetry. ” It is very different from English poetry. English poetry is developed from Greek and Latin poetry, which is primarily sound-based. Hebrew poetry has much in common with Canaanite poetry. It is basically thought-based in balanced, parallel lines” (Bible.org) These verses contrast the blessing with the curse. Will we follow wisdom and understanding, or the simple, the scorner, and the fool?
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