Britney Spears More Evidence of Pressure to Abort

Britney Spears admitted recently she aborted the child conceived with singer Justin Timberlake.  It’s more tragic evidence a baby’s life is expendable when it conflicts with life goals.  But it comes with a cost.  Britney said, “If it had been left up to me alone, I never would have done it.”  But she said Justin insisted.  Britney added, “It’s one of the most agonizing things I have ever experienced in my life.”  Research shows over sixty percent of women who’ve had an abortion felt pressured or coerced.  Britney isn’t alone.  Artist Tracey Emin said she was “racked with guilt” after her abortion.  And Singer Nicki Minaj said it has “haunted” her entire life.  If you’re haunted by a past abortion, reach out to us at for free help.  You’re not alone. 

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