Texas Suing Planned Parenthood


Officials in Texas filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood.  It charges the abortion giant with filing and receiving millions of dollars in false Medicaid claims.  When all is totaled – repayments, damages, and fines – the judgement could come to over one billion dollars.  Planned Parenthood’s largest source of taxpayer money is through Medicaid reimbursements.  Texas officials are suing under the federal False Claims Act which allows fines for every improper payment.  There are tons of those, so tons more fines!  Texas has hundreds of legitimate healthcare providers throughout the state offering a wide variety of services that don’t include abortion.  The women of Texas deserve better than Planned Parenthood.  The women of Texas don’t need abortion.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2023/09/ushering-patients-into-early-graves/

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