Our Predictions are Coming True


The demise of Roe is impacting the lives of Americans.  Let’s look at Texas for example.  The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study that analyzed the impact of the state’s Heartbeat Bill ending abortion when the baby’s heartbeat can be detected.  As a result, the study found every month over one thousand additional babies were being born.  Not only that.  There are substantially more adoptions.  Mark Melson of the Gladney Center for Adoption in Texas said they’ve seen a 30% increase in infant domestic adoptions over the year before.  And they’ve seen an over 55% increase in calls by women considering adoption.  As the dust settles on Dobbs we’re finding our pro-life predictions are coming true.  Pro-life laws do save lives.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2023/07/our-predictions-are-coming-true/

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