Fast Facts: Giraffe (Part 6)

Welcome to Fast Facts with Reasons for Hope!

I’m Carl Kerby, and we’re talking about the giraffe.

This time let’s talk about something that I think you’ll find unbelievable.  And that is … the lungs of a giraffe.  Yes, the lungs!

Take a look at this. Their lungs are eight times larger than ours.  But, not only are they big, they are incredibly unique.  No other animal has a lung like a giraffe.

Watch as they allow the air to be removed from the lungs.  Now, they’re not sucking the air out, they’re just allowing it to flow out of the lungs.  The lungs shrink back on themselves forcing the air out!

It reminds me of the commercials for those water hoses that when they don’t have water pressure they’re only 6 feet long, but when you turn the water on, they stretch so long that they wrap around your house twice!  Then turn the water off, and they shrink back down again.

That’s very similar to a giraffe’s lungs!

The giraffe is “beautifully designed,” and we praise God for it.

Hope you’re encouraged.  We’ll see you next time with more Fast Facts with Reasons for Hope. 

Until then … stay bold!

Carl Kerby is the founder of Reasons for Hope and co-creator of the DeBunked apologetic video series. His radio feature, Fast Facts, is heard weekly on VCY America, Saturdays at 9:25 AM Central.

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