What in the World?

Date: September 27, 2023
Host: Jim Schneider
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You may recall the old phrase expressing surprise, shock or disgust where someone says, “What in the World?”  That best describes the following headlines featured on this Crosstalk: 

  • Dr. Konia Trouton admits switching to euthanasia after she could no longer profit from abortion.
  • Out of Nebraska, a woman who killed her daughter’s 29 week old unborn baby, and set the child on fire, will only get 2 years in prison. 
  • A 25 year old Texas man facing accusations of raping a 16 year old is no longer in jail due to a delay by prosecutors in obtaining an indictment against him.
  • Just days after the Million Person March against LGBT propaganda in schools swept the nation, the town of Waterloo, Ontario, was considering a bylaw prohibiting any communication on municipal property that could make LGBT-identifying individuals “feel harassed.”
  • Long delayed hate speech legislation (Hate Crime and Public Order Bill) for Scotland would be activated in November once Scottish police are adequately trained and familiar with its complicated policies and frameworks.
  • Agencies within the Biden administration have moved to scrub gender specific words such as “mother” and “father” from childcare legislation.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill that would allow parents to lose custody of their children if they refuse to accept the child’s gender identity. 

Are such headlines indicative of a world moving rapidly toward the judgment of God or is this already his judgment playing out as he removes his hand of providence and protection?  You decide as Jim presented several other stories.  Listeners capped the program with their views.

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