Farmers Under Siege

Date: June 26, 2023
Host: Jim Schneider
​Guests: Tom DeWeese and Tammy Kobza
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Jim began by reading from a press release from the American Policy Center:

“Farmers from across the nation have found themselves on the front lines of the globalist drive to reset society.  From massive wind and solar farms to the growing land grab called Carbon Capture Pipelines, usable farmland for growing our food is disappearing faster than any of the bogus predictions of melting polar icecaps.  The farmers are facing intimidation from powerful corporations as many elected officials stand by, shuffling their feet in nervous inaction.  Something has to be done.” 

Tom DeWeese is president of American Policy Center.  Tom is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence, and protecting our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

Tammy Kobza is regional field coordinator for the John Birch Society.

This broadcast opened with news from Brown County, South Dakota.  Tom described how surveyors working for a carbon-capture pipeline company showed up unannounced on private property owned by farmer Jerad Bossly.  The surveyors began digging up a field of soybeans, digging 90 foot holes, and destroying crops in their way.

What’s behind all of this?  Tom indicated that this is about private corporations trying to put together a private operation, taking private land in order to install their carbon-capture pipelines.  These private corporations are also trying to get utility boards to give them the power of eminent domain by claiming that these pipelines are a public utility, which they are not.

Tammy believes this is about the false premise of global warming and the windfall that some companies feel they can get in on.  It’s beginning to crumble for them because Americans are starting to wake up to this scam of a CO2 pipeline.

Learn more about this situation, how you can become involved, and what your fellow  listeners had to say, on this edition of Crosstalk. 

More Information

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem–605-773-3212

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds–515-281-5211

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