Dinosaurs, Dragons, and the Bible

Date: June 13, 2023
Host: Jim Schneider
​Guest: Bodie Hodge
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Over the years, it’s been easy for secular thinking to creep into the beliefs of Christians.  This is particularly true as it pertains to the subject of origins where belief in millions of years, the Big Bang and evolution are all too common.  After all, no one wants to be accused of being a “science denier”.  

The result?  In order to not be laughed out of science classrooms, we’re told that we must believe that dinosaurs could only have existed millions of years before man.  Not surprisingly then, when was the last time you heard about dinosaurs being spoken of in church?  Perhaps in a sermon?  After all, the Bible offers truth and clarity on the matter.

To show us why this is true, Jim welcomed back Bodie Hodge.  Bodie is a speaker, writer and researcher for Answers in Genesis.  He has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering.  He has authored numerous articles and book chapters for Answers in Genesis and has served as general editor on the World Religious and Cults books among others.  He frequently speaks at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter on topics such as dinosaurs and dragons, the dispersion at Babel, and the biblical response to racism.  He is an avid genealogy fan who has traced his ancestry back to Adam.  He’s the author of the newly released book, Dinosaurs, Dragons, and the Bible.

Bodie defined the term, “dinosaur” as a land reptile that stands upright (erect) on its feet.  In other words, it’s not like a crocodile or Komodo dragon where it’s legs protrude from the side and its body naturally rests on the ground.  By their technical definition, creatures like Plesiosaurs, or flying reptiles such as Pteranodons or Pterodactyls, are not considered dinosaurs.

Bodie brought up one point in particular that’s very important to remember.  It’s the Bible’s reference to God having created creatures within their “kinds.”  This doesn’t correlate with our modern word “species” very well.  A “kind” would be those creatures that can interbreed with each other.  

The term “dinosaur” means “terrible lizard”.  It was coined in 1841 by a Christian man who was integral to the founding of the Natural History Museum in London.  His name was Sir Richard Owen.  Since this term was new as of 1841, obviously we wouldn’t find it in the Bible.  However, there is a term used by the Bible that would have included creatures like dinosaurs, and that’s the term, “dragon”.

That sets up this fascinating, information-packed program that also answers the following:

  • Were dinosaurs always flesh eaters?
  • With their massive size, how could dinosaurs have been on the ark?
  • Are the dinosaur bones we see today from those who died during the flood?
  • Is it possible there are still some dinosaurs today?
  • Did man and dinosaurs exist at the same time?
  • Why are many Christians readily accepting the evolutionary worldview?
  • How can dinosaur bones be millions of years old when we’ve discovered soft tissue within some of them?

More Information

Offer: Dinosaurs, Dragons, and the Bible is a newly released book and is being featured this month at the VCY Bookstore.  This book normally retails for $14.99. However, through June 30th, the VCY Bookstore is offering this book at 40% off. That’s just $8.99 plus any applicable tax and shipping.  Available at vcy.com or 1-888-722-4829.



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