Israel Tourism

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Air Date: November 6, 2013

Host: Vic Eliason

Guests: Omer Eshel and Shahar Shilo

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Omer Eshel is the Consul Director for the Israel Government Tourist Office. Shahar Shilo is the Director of the National Tour Guide Course, and the Director of Marketing and Strategy at the biblical city of David, Jerusalem. He is a guest lecturer at the Ben Gurion University. He himself is also a licensed guide and overseas guest lecturer for the Israel Ministry of Tourism.

The many experiences that come with a visit to Israel were discussed, including the opportunity to actually see the locations where biblical events took place. Thus the Bible ‘comes alive’, and many evens are better understood when one sees the actual geographic setting.

Archaeology continues to unearth more evidence that the Bible account is accurate.

Among the recent discoveries is a biblical-era town along the Sea of Galilee, which is connected to a boat discovered in 1986 that dates from the first century before or after Christ. It appears that the boat was actually on the shoreline of this town. And it is believed it may be the town of Dalmanutha, where Jesus sailed after feeding the 4000 as recorded in the Gospel of Mark.

Hebrew University excavations this past summer uncovered two bundles of gold coins, gold and silver jewelry, and a gold medallion with etchings of Jewish symbols.

Some would question whether it is safe to travel to Israel with all the news reports of violence and threats of war. But the record shows that Israel is actually one of the safest countries to visit, and their airline, El Al, has a very successful record for security.

More information about Israel and opportunities for tours is available from the Israel Government Tourist Office.

More Information

Israel Government Tourist Office, Midwest Region (Chicago)


Twelve short video features, produced in Israel and showing many of the sites that tourists visit, is available on DVD at no charge if you mention you heard this Crosstalk program when you email or call their office:


Phone: 1-312-803-7080

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