Stop the Islamization of America

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Air Date: September 9, 2011

Host: Jim Schneider

Guest: Pamela Geller

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Pamela Geller is the executive director of Stop Islamization of America as well as the Freedom Defense Initiative, and author of the book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.

Pamela believes that whether President Obama is Islamic or not, his actions show that he favors Islam over all other religions. We see this in his abandonment of Israel and the decision of the White House to forbid official 9-11 ceremonies from even mentioning who attacked the U.S. and why.

This is confusing and unusual government behavior but makes sense when you hear about members of the Muslim Brotherhood allegedly infiltrating the Department of Justice.

Do the links go deeper? What is “halal” meat? Is Muslim history being “whitewashed” in our books? Is the American Bar Association actually fighting to protect the existence of Shariah law in America? Review this broadcast and determine for yourself if there are forces attempting the Islamization of America.

More Information:

To obtain a copy of Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance
call 1-888-722-4829
or go to

Pamela Geller e-mail

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