TRUTH & DOUBT: Understanding the Enemy’s Strategy (Part 8)

Welcome to Apologetics with Carl Kerby!

Today, we’re talking about the enemy’s strategies.  

Technology has many benefits, but it has drawbacks, too — especially when it’s used as excessively as today’s young people do.

According to Common Sense Media, teenagers spend over SEVEN HOURS on their phones every day, mostly on watching videos and accessing social media.

This may seem harmless, but child psychiatrist Dr. Victoria Dunckley found in her research that overexposure to electronics hyper-stimulates the brain, producing the same type of dopamine chemical response as COCAINE. The result is increased stress, depression, anxiety, irritability and aggressive behavior in young people. 

That’s … scary.

And worst of all, Satan uses overexposure to technology to rob youth of time for meditation on God’s Word and prayer.

As 2 Peter 1 reminds us, we need to add to our knowledge “temperance,” or self-control. Practicing self-control with technology will help keep our heads clear and hearts right.

And what are other ways the enemy deceives? We’ll discuss them another time.”

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Carl Kerby is the founder of Reasons for Hope and co-creator of the DeBunked apologetic video series. His radio feature, Fast Facts, is heard weekly on VCY America, Saturdays at 9:25 AM Central.

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