WORLDVIEW: Reincarnation (Part 1)

Today, we’re talking about worldviews. Reincarnation is the Eastern belief that life is cyclical, where a being dies and then returns as something else. Shockingly, recent studies found that a whopping 33% of Americans believe in reincarnation, and that even 19% of those claiming to be evangelical Christians believe in reincarnation!

But reincarnation runs counter to the clear Scriptural teaching that each human is made in God’s image, and that upon death, the person’s soul goes to Heaven or Hell to give account to his Creator. As Hebrews 9:27 tells us, “[I]t is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement.”

As authors Henry Morris and Martin E. Clark wrote:

Classical ideas of reincarnation know nothing of a personal God who enters holy relationships with His creatures.

In other words, the impersonal and fatalistic nature of reincarnation is contrary to God’s truth!

There’s another reason that reincarnation is false, but we’ll discuss that another time. For more information, go to  Stay bold!

Carl Kerby is the founder of Reasons for Hope and co-creator of the DeBunked apologetic video series. His radio feature, Fast Facts, is heard weekly on VCY America, Saturdays at 9:25 AM Central.

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