CREATION: The Miller Experiment (Part 1)

Today, we’re talking about the apologetic argument from creation. Did you ever hear the myth that scientists have “created life” in the laboratory? And, no, we’re not talking about FRANKENSTEIN, here!

In 1953, chemist Stanley Miller mixed hydrogen, methane, water, and ammonia together (the supposed composition of earth’s original atmosphere) and then shot electrical charges into the mix. Because this produced amino acids (considered “the building blocks of life”), the experiment was hailed as proof that life spontaneously emerged on earth. In other words, evolution was possible.

The problem was that the experiment WAS NOT SPONTANEOUS. Miller hand-chose the chemicals, he placed them in a controlled environment, and he shot a specific amount of electricity into them. That’s right— INTELLIGENCE was required!

As the Lord Himself says in Acts 7:50, “Has not my hand made all these things?”

Some people may say, “But wait! If Miller’s experiment produced amino acids, doesn’t that prove that at least some sort of evolution took place?

Actually, it doesn’t, but we’ll address why that’s true at another time. Until then, find more apologetic resources at Stay bold! 

Carl Kerby is the founder of Reasons for Hope and co-creator of the DeBunked apologetic video series. His radio feature, Fast Facts, is heard weekly on VCY America, Saturdays at 9:25 AM Central.

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