Free Truth Grower Resource for February

God Develops Champions of Faith
Bible Study

Don’t be discouraged when you study the “Champions Faith” in Hebrews 11. These champions were ordinary men and women who ran hard, stumbled, fell, got back up, and started over—people just like you!

No one starts the spiritual journey with complete faith. The journey is full of successes and failures—times when your faith is strong and times when it is weak. But over time, with practice and experience, your faith grows. With God as your coach, guide, example, and loving Father, you can become a “Champion of Faith.”

One of the blessings of Scripture is the encouragement we can find in the faith of others—including both the successes and the failures of those who have walked this journey before you. When the great champions of Hebrews 11 faced great trials, or even failed, God used them anyway.

He is still using their stories today to encourage you. And He will use you, and the story of your faith, to encourage others!

Each study follows Pastor Rogers’ guide to studying the Bible: Pray Over It. Ponder It. Put It in Writing. Practice It. Proclaim It.

Get your free bible study today through Love Worth Finding and VCY America.

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